The Parking Hall of Shame
Oh no, didn't they? They really did!
Here, we introduce VIPs, celebrities, people of authority, influencers, artists - basically anyone! - who lost their heads in the parking lot and had a tantrum or two.
Now, let us make one thing very clear, in no way we at NOSON do not tolerate this type of bad behavior!
That is why THIS is the parking lot of SHAME.
So, let's see who's on the list.

Now here’s a recurring name.
In 2o11, Chris Brown incurred 95 parking tickets !
All because he kept on using handicap parking in his condo.
As if that wasn’t enough..
In 2016, threatened to knock out a valet parking attendant.
Not cool at all.
We hope Chris gets serious help for his anger management issues.

If you know what you did was illegal, is it really THAT hard to own up to it?
Apparently not for New York Senator Kevin Parker.
The good senator apparently told GOP spokeswoman Candice Giove to “kill yourself!” after she retweeted the parking
ticket Parker received for illegally parking in a bike line.
Please remember Senator Parker, the internet never forgets..
And that receipts will outlive you even if you delete your tweet.
Unfortunately, this isn’t the first time Senator Parker has shown bad behavior.
In 2005, he was ordered to undergo anger management by a judge for punching a traffic agent.
In 2016, he rear-ended the car of Benilda Ottley who sustained serious spinal injuries.
Add to that his numerous speeding infractions.
Seriously, why does this guy still have a license?

We know how stressful city parking is in NYC—that’s why we’re working hard to change the way parking is used!
But looks like Alec Baldwin couldn’t wait.
Last Novemer, he got into a dispute over parking outside his apartment in Manhattan.
The story goes Baldwin had someone hold his space but another driver pulled into the space anyway.
Obviously pissed, Baldwin decided to settle it with his fists.
The unidentified victim reportedly sustained an injury to his jaw and Baldwin was summoned for misdemeanor assault and harassment.
Hey Mr. Baldwin, lucky for you we have a parking location in Lenox Hill.
Let us know if you’d like free parking, we’d be happy to do this for you if it means keeping the streets of NYC safe.